Test your data literacy with the DS3-Model*.

Welcome! This is where you can test your own level of data literacy. This assessment consists of 22 questions and only takes a few minutes to complete. After filling out the assessment you will immediately be able to see your personal data profile. This data profile is only an indication of you data literacy, given the succinctness of the questions, but it provides you with useful first insights. Good luck!


This assessment can also be carried out in organisations, to test data literacy levels in a scientifically based manner. This can be done on the individual, team, department and group level. We develop the final questionnaire together with your organisation, with the possibility of using your own terminology.

Get in touch with us for more information. go to www.datacompetent.eu.

*DS3-Model: Data Soft Skills Status. For more information on the DS3-Model, click here.