Your DS3© is… Data-Proficient.
Data is probably something you use weekly or even daily, or it will be in the future. You are comfortable with reading graphs and working with Excel and dashboards. You do not only use information that is handed to you, but you are also able to transform raw data to address specific issues. You handle sensitive data consciously and are also the one who speaks out when something doesn’t seem right. Terms you hear in the news, such as “IoT” and “Big data”, excite rather than confuse you.
There are a substantial number of developments in the field of data. Do you want to know more about these and feel even more confident when talking about them with people? There are many online trainings that will get you there in no time. And how about data ethics? Or learning how to ask critical questions?
Share your DS3© now!
What is DS3©?
Data Soft Skills Status, or DS3, is a scientifically based model with which you can easily measure data literacy.
Do you want to know more about data literacy or just want to develop your skills? Get in touch with us.
In addition to this Quick-Scan we also have extensive scientifically based assessments to test data literacy on the basis of the DS3-Model. This can be done on the individual, team, department and group level. We develop the final questionnaire together with your organisation, with the possibility of using your own terminology. For more information on the DS3-Model, click here.
For more information, get in touch with us or go to